Urban League Logo
Basic Logo Guidelines
Use the logo in all printed or electronic communications from the agency.
Do not use the logo next to or near any other logo or mark, unless granted permission.
Do not modify or embellish the logo in any way.
The minimum reproduction size of the logo is 1.5 inches long; there is no maximum size.
The logo can be used in reverse against a dark background. The Urban League Communication Department (UCD) can provide you with this artwork, if needed.
The logo should be printed in Pantone® 2035c red or black ink.
Official Urban League colors are Urban League Red (Pantone® 2035c), Empowering Black (Pantone® Black 4c), Diversity Gray (Pantone® 426 u) and white. Use of these colors is recommended for agency-related materials.
These logos have been provided for use on official agency documents. Please do not alter, modify or remove the logo on any Urban League marketing without first consulting the Urban League of Metro St. Louis Communications Department.
Click on the preferred logo to download a high-resolution pdf suitable for reproduction. For further questions about the correct use of the Urban League of Metropolitan Saint Louis, Inc. logo, please contact RichardKeith Davis at (314) 615-3668.
The Urban League logo is a key element in presenting The Urban League of Metropolitan Saint Louis, Inc. (ULSTL) in a unified and consistent visual manner to the public, which is necessary in building agency
recognition and reinforcing community and social image.