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LIHEAP Energy Assistance

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is the main federal program that helps low-income households and seniors with their utility bills, providing vital assistance during both the winter and summer. Low income individuals and families pay a high proportion of their household income for home energy and are o en forced to make decisions between paying for energy, buying food or medicine.


LIHEAP provides funding for low-income households especially elderly, disabled and families with young children because insu cient heating and cooling can cause health and safety issues.

The Urban League has received additional support for the LIHEAP program from the Missouri Family Support Division, Ameren, Laclede Gas, and Heat Up St. Louis, Inc., Cool Down St. Louis, Inc.


Requirements for energy assistance are based on income, family size and funding. You must provide photocopies of social security cards for everyone in the household, prior month’s proof of income, most recent gas and electric bills. 

The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis LIHEAP Program accepts applications Monday - Thursday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at 935 N. Vandeventer, St. Louis, MO 63108.
For more information, please call (314) 615-3640. 

>Online Application <

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